Dogs, Cats, etc.

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Museum cats Cat at Ostia Antica Dog asleep in Santorini Cat by blue gate Cat by succulent in blue pot Cat by fence Dog resting its chin Dog snoozing on marble piazza Two dogs in a restaurant Tabby cat Yorky snoozing A cat strolls past two dogs One dog in shade and one on the chair Cat curled in a pot Dog sticking head through gate This dog is alert Black cat Hope this dog doesn't get run over Dog snoozing amongst the ruins This cat says don't bother me Cat with arm hanging over Cat with eyes closed Dog next to truck Chihuahua on a dock Brindled cat Cat peeks under a table Two old guys and a dog Cat sign Cat next to concrete planter Pravi Crnogorci Black and white cat Cat sculpture There's a cat in the middle of this courtyard Cat blocking the doorway Dog with man in a suit Not a dog or cat